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Reena Deen

            Azel & The Jinni Familiar ( On Sub)
Image by Content Pixie
Girl Gazing
Quran and Prayer Beads

Azel & The Jinni Familiar is a 60,000- word MG dark fantasy which combines the heart & humor of CHARMED with the excitement & dark fantasy elements of BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER. It features a spunky Indian Muslim girl & it's a standalone with series potential.


Meet the new dukun(shaman) in town—Azel, a 12 year-old Singaporean Indian Muslim girl


Unlike the kids in her class who plan on being Korean pop stars, all Azel wanted to be was an awesome dukun—shaman/witch like her mama. But breaking evil magic spells and getting rid of toyols—demonic baby spirits only earned her mama a mysterious death. Since that horrible night, Azel decides to forsake magic forever and live a long, normal life without the threat of hungry ghosts Zoombombing her.


But when Mayam, a hantu raya —an enslaved jinni familiar, possesses her sister and holds her papa hostage in a hospital, magic becomes the only solution. Since Mayam can manifest a person’s darkest fears in order to drive them to their deaths, Azel’s only chance to save her family is to turn to the legacy her mama left behind.


Mayam’s on a mission to reunite with his own family back in the jinn realm and since that requires some human sacrifices for a spell, a scrawny dukun-in-training like Azel had better not get in his way. He unleashes every nightmarish monstrosity that lives in the darkest corner of her mind from a kid munching monster teddy to mutant plant soldiers to stop her.


Armed with her mama’s sassy sentient book of spells and a mouse familiar that’s prone to fainting spells at the most inconvenient times, Azel must battle her darkest fears and find a way to destroy Mayam. If she fails, she’ll lose the only family she has left.

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